Monday, June 29, 2009

Sorting few things out

Yes, the Great Gloomunster of Gilbertopia is pretty aware that the last post contradicts with his world census report. That's the problem, see. The ministry of Propaganda in Gilbertopia doesn't have a very good memmory, and hence can't keep track of all our little lies.

Well just to sort things out on wht will be canon:

The police do exist. In three levels.
Police, secret police and thought police.

Police do all the grunt work.
What secret police do is a secret. Whether they exist or not is also a secret.
Thought police are these hastily ripped-off of 1984 thought police and are pretty similar in their composition and method.

In courts, the legislative powers are pretty high up to the below-Gloomunster level.
The executive powers are under the police/military
the judiciary is under a kangaroo court. Um, I mean under the military, which is waaay more biased towards our rule than a police are.

Yep, I hope that clears it.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Social security

Social security may refer to social insurance, income maintenance and all that crap in other countries, but not in Gilbertopia.

In Gilbertopia, social security consists of taxes, more taxes, police, secret police and thought police.

Here's how it works:

1) You pay your taxes

2) Police demand taxes.

3) You say you've already paid your taxes.

4) Well now you've got new taxes, except now it goes to the police.

5)You go to court. Complaining about these fraudulent taxes.

6) The Judge demands a 'fee' to investigate your case......

Gilbertopia does, however, provide insurance, under the gubberment pw3nt (or owned, for you non-elite speakerz) compagnie, Gilassures Pt Ltd. Yes, just like other Gilbertopian economic sectors, it holds a monopoly on insurance.

The terms are pretty unique in Gilbertopian insurance. Laws are very different from what one might find in other countries. They vary from other countries in that:

a) In case of death, the policyholder is the one that will be paid. Family and friends or other beneficiaries do not apply.

b) There is no Unemployment Insurance, merely unemployment assurance.

c) Property is government's anyway, so you can't claim on that.

d) Insurance is mandatory

e) Apart from life insurance, there is no assurance that insurance will cover you.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Gilbertopian culture

Gilbertopian Square Pie

A hallmark of any particular culture is effigied in its cuisine. Gilbertopians are well-known for their delicious square pies. The pies basically taste the same as any other pie, but now their area is easily measurable. The legend goes that Garchimedes wanted to measure the area of the top of his favourite pie. He found from this other guy by the name of Archie or Arky or meedees or whatever that pie= 3.142. But since that was such an irrational number, decided that it would be easier to measure the surfce area of his pie if it were a square. So he edited the regular formula 3.142*R*R , for measuring the surface area of his pie to Pie Are Square. Hence, the area of pies are now far easier to calculate.

The nutritional value of Gilbertopian Square Pies are surprisingly healthy. Gilbertopia's top nutritionist claims that Gilbertopian pies can be consumed singularly, because they constitute square meals.


In Gilbertopia, every one wears sunglasses, a nice black coat and long pants with belt, as well as tie with a silver bar tie clip. (THINK MIB) This is the official dress of Gilbertopia. Unless of course, one is in the military in which soldiers wear the flag of the military. Which we will discuss later. (Or at least this is how civillians are portrayed in our propagandistic films).


The Gubberment de Gilbertopia demands discipline from the hearts of every Gilbertopian. The citizens are quick to repent at the smallest sin they might make against the fatherland. Not that it works. This is actually shadowed by the fact that the Thought Police are quick to hunt down dissidents.